Addie’s Dakota Winter

Book Description

Ten-year-old Addie Mills can’t wait for school to begin after spend­ing a sum­mer with her rough-house broth­ers and pesky baby sis­ter. All she wants is one spe­cial friend. But scrawny, scrap­py Tilla Bergstrom isn’t the friend she imag­ined. Addie even thinks Tilla lies! But she’ll have to do until some­body bet­ter comes along. The girls are hav­ing fun—until some bul­lies threat­en Tilla because of Addie’s lie. When Tilla dis­ap­pears, Addie sets out on the long trek to her house to apol­o­gize and to bring her back. But Tilla can’t return to school. And Addie is soon trapped in a blind­ing bliz­zard, fight­ing for her life—and the friend she almost lost!

Awards and Recognition

  • Iowa Chil­dren’s Choice Award nom­i­nee, 1992
  • Nebras­ka Gold­en Sow­er Award nom­i­nee, 1992
  • North Dako­ta Flick­er Tale Award nom­i­nee, 1992

Reviews and Comments

“Lawlor once again cap­tures the pio­neer spirit—the hard­ships and sor­row as well as the joys and laughter—and shapes believ­able char­ac­ters and inci­dents.” (Book­list)

Addie's Dakota Winter

the Addie series, Book 2

writ­ten by Lau­rie Lawlor
illus­trat­ed by Toby Gow­ing
Albert Whit­man, 1989

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