Addie’s Forever Friend

Book Description

Addie Mills is not a brave per­son. She is afraid to learn to swim. She’s ner­vous around fire­crack­ers. And she’s very wor­ried that her fam­i­ly will move from Iowa to Dako­ta, where it’s wild and dangerous.

Addie is not like her brave friend, Eleanor. Eleanor can swim like a fish, and she is always ready to do some­thing excit­ing. Now Eleanor has dar­ing plans for the Fourth of July. Will Addie go along?

Can Addie and Eleanor be friends forever?

Awards and Recognition

  • Iowa Chil­dren’s Choice Award nom­i­nee, 1999–2000
  • Soci­ety of Mid­land Authors Chil­dren’s Fic­tion Award final­ist, 1998

Reviews and Comments

“…Ami­able atmos­pher­ic por­trait of life in 1880s Iowa … the sto­ries are gen­tle and heart­warm­ing, and full of authen­tic detail—warmly evoked in the black-and-white illustrations—and smat­ter­ings of dra­ma; Lawlor has a knack for mak­ing his­tor­i­cal fic­tion com­fort­able and rel­e­vant to read­ers.” (Kirkus Reviews)

A Note from Laurie

Addie’s For­ev­er Friend (and the oth­er books in the Addie Series) are based on the expe­ri­ences of my great-grand­par­ents and their chil­dren in the 1880s in Iowa and the Dako­ta Ter­ri­to­ry. To write these books, I did exten­sive detec­tive work—tracking down old let­ters, diaries, and rem­i­nis­cences as well as news­pa­pers and photographs.

On one expe­di­tion to Sab­u­la, Iowa, I brought along an ancient fam­i­ly pho­to, hop­ing to use it to find my great-aunt’s ornate Vic­to­ri­an house. Years ago, this had been the loca­tion of numer­ous fam­i­ly reunions.

My search seemed fruit­less, and just when I was about to give up, a group of local chil­dren came to my res­cue. They looked at the pho­to, and one child said, “See that fan­cy cement cis­tern cov­er? We walk past it every day on the way to school.” Then they showed me the spot.

Sure enough, the cis­tern cov­er was locat­ed on what would have been my great-aunt’s prop­er­ty. Although the house was gone, I felt grate­ful to have found at least one old fam­i­ly relic—the cis­tern cov­er, which over the years had been used for count­less games of tag and leapfrog.

Addie's Forever Friend

the Addie series, prequel

writ­ten by Lau­rie Lawlor
illus­trat­ed by Helen Cogancher­ry 
Albert Whit­man, 1997

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