
“Find­ing Inspi­ra­tion,” Get­ting Inven­tive with Sports issue, Cob­ble­stone, Feb­ru­ary 2021. An explo­ration of the cre­ation of Nike run­ning shoes.

“A Head for Inven­tion,” Get­ting Inven­tive with Sports issue, Cob­ble­stone, Feb­ru­ary 2021. A look at ski and ten­nis rack­et designs.

“Tire­less Cham­pi­on,” After the Civ­il War Recon­struc­tion issue, Cob­ble­stone, Novem­ber 2020. An arti­cle on the remark­able African-Amer­i­can activist and writer Frances Ellen Watkins Harper.

John James Audubon issue, Cob­ble­stone, Sep­tem­ber 2020. Two arti­cles on Audubon as an artist and as the care­tak­er for a Ken­tucky bird menagerie.

Home­steading issue, Cob­ble­stone, Octo­ber 2019. An arti­cle on women homesteaders.

Cobblestone magazine Getting Inventive with Sports
John James Audubon, Cobblestone
Homestead Act of 1862