Dead Reckoning

Book Description

A Pirate Voy­age with Cap­tain Drake

Sir Fran­cis Drake (1542–1596) became well-known among pirates and pri­va­teers. He was an expe­ri­enced and dar­ing sea­far­er. One of his most famous voy­ages was his suc­cess­ful cir­cum­nav­i­ga­tion of the world between 1577 and 1580 which ensured that he would be one of the best remem­bered fig­ures of Tudor England.

Emmet nev­er knew he had a cousin–a sig­nif­i­cant dis­cov­ery for any­one, but for Emmet, life-chang­ing. With­in moments of meet­ing Cap­tain Fran­cis Drake, Emmet is invit­ed to be his cous­in’s ser­vant aboard The Pel­i­can on a glo­ri­ous trad­ing expe­di­tion to exot­ic Alexan­dria, Tripoli, and Con­stan­tino­ple. It is a chance to go on a great voy­age and to escape the angry mobs who now threat­en him and his home.

Reviews and Comments

“Lawlor paints her char­ac­ters with a fine-tipped brush. Fran­cis Drake, a bril­liant naval hero was also a cru­el pirate dri­ven by greed as well as glo­ry. … Lawlor has ably done her research.” (Chica­go Sun-Times, 24 Jul 2005, 9B)

“…a cap­ti­vat­ing and com­pelling adven­ture of a young man caught in a whirlpool of ter­ri­ble, trau­mat­ic events.” (Evanston Round Table, 24 Aug 2005, p 17)

“…the sto­ry is authen­tic and har­row­ing, and the his­tor­i­cal details are well done. This book would be per­fect for old­er teens who love his­tor­i­cal fic­tion, or want more on pirates.” (School Library Jour­nal)

“This is dark­er than most YA fic­tion, but high­ly real­is­tic; it will cer­tain­ly appeal to YAs who like real­is­tic his­tor­i­cal fic­tion, espe­cial­ly sea adven­tures.” (KLIATT)

“Real­is­tic, well-researched his­tor­i­cal nov­el … [pro­vides] vivid insights into the char­ac­ter of Fran­cis Drake.” (VOYA)

“Based as close­ly as pos­si­ble on the some­times-scant his­tor­i­cal record, Lawlor’s work is full of adven­ture and live­ly detail; a sol­id after­word and author’s note con­tin­ue the sto­ry.” (Kirkus Reviews)

“…ambi­tious Fran­cis push­es for­ward to achieve his goal of ‘girdling the globe.’ Lawlor’s obvi­ous­ly exhaus­tive research comes through. [Lawlor’s account] will appeal to read­ers…” (Book­list)

Dead Reckoning

writ­ten by Lau­rie Lawlor
Simon & Schuster,2005

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