Book Description
They were sisters, yet strangers; realistic sixteen-year-old Alfreda Anderson and fanciful ten-year-old Erna, divided by hardship but united in the adventure of sailing to America. Alfreda dreamed of new beginnings, far from the drudgery of life with her aunt and uncle on a small island off the coast of Sweden, while Erna already missed her home and feared the journey to Chicago and the father they hadn’t seen in years. Papa had sent tickets for Mother and their sick little brother, Karl, but only the girls would make the journey—on the splendid new ship Titanic.
As the sisters became friends, Alfreda felt they could conquer whatever challenge they met. Anything was possible—until the night of the iceberg. The night Titanic sailed into history and the two sisters met a destiny no one could have foretold…
Reviews and Comments
“ … Lawlor’s writing prowess and the winning thematic combination of sisterhood and American history render this a series with promise.” (Publishers Weekly)

American Sisters series, Book 9
written by Laurie Lawlor
Simon & Schuster/Minstrel Books, 1998
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