Book Description
A Story of the Civil War
Wind on the River reveals the coming-of-age experience of 15-year-old Private John Griffith Allen, a Confederate soldier from South Carolina. Private Allen survives the Battle of Gettysburg in 1863 only to be captured by Yankee soldiers and sent as a prisoner of war to the notorious death trap called Point Lookout.
After taking the oath of allegiance, switching sides, and becoming a “Galvanized Yankee,” Griffith is sent to remote Fort Rice on the upper Missouri River in Dakota Territory. There he struggles to discover who he is while surviving the rigors of a hostile new environment and a terrifying Indian war.
His encounter with two half-sisters living at Fort Rice challenges his prejudices and forces him to completely reconsider what it means to be a hero.
The book contains original photos, sketches, map, and documents of life as a “galvanized Yankee” in Dakota.
A Note from Laurie
This book was dedicated to my great-grandfather Samuel Wallace Mills (1847–1922) who joined Company E, 43rd Regiment Wisconsin Volunteers of the Union Army when he was only 17 years old.

written by Laurie Lawlor
Jamestown’s American Portraits
Jamestown Publishers, 2000
a division of NTC/Contemporary Publishing Group
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